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Friday, August 14, 2020

32-Year-old Man Locked Up By Parents For Seven Years Rescued By Kano Police

A 32-year-old man identified as Ahmad Aliyu, has been rescued by the Kano State Police Command after being locked inside a room for seven years. 

Aliyu's father and stepmother had locked him up in a room for seven years prior to his rescue by the police.

He was rescued at Farawa Babban Layi, in Mariri quarters of Kumbotso Local Government Area, Kano state metropolis.  

Aliyu was reportedly chained and caged after he was accused of drug abuse by his parents. 

It was also learnt that he went days without water and food as he had to feed on his faeces and urine to stay alive.


Neighbors in the area had informed the police and human rights activists about Aliyu's situation, after which he was rescued. 

Further investigations has however commenced on the matter. 

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